Rise Over Run - The Blog
"The only way to change your life is to make a decision."
~Ed Mylett
This compelling quote hangs heavy, promising empowerment but leaves us with a lingering question: what decisions?
And how do w...
Have you ever stumbled upon a quote that sparked a fire in your soul?
A sentence so powerful it sent shivers down your spine?
Zig Ziglar throws down the gauntlet with this!
Set a goal so big th...
The advent of the Agile Manifesto marked a paradigm shift in the corporate world.
It quickly became a beacon, guiding software developers and business professionals towards excellence for decades.
You might associate Agile strictly with the corporate landscape, predominantly within project management, software development, and team collaboration.Â
But what if these time-tested business strateg...
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a bumper-to-bumper traffic jam, engine idling, while just a few lanes away cars cruise effortlessly? Frustrating, isn't it? This congestion – where one lane halts...
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." — Abraham Lincoln
In the timeless words of Abraham Lincoln, preparation is undeniably vital to success...
In today's fast-paced society, stress and anxiety have become a growing challenge that many grapple with daily.
The persistent pressures stemming from our personal lives, professional domains, and ev...
In today's fast-paced, ever-evolving world, achieving high performance has never been more crucial—or challenging. Yet, amidst the multitude of strategies and tactics to enhance productivity and effec...
As the pace of our lives accelerates and the demand to excel in various aspects of life piles up, it's more important than ever to master the art of balance. The World Health Organization (WHO) recogn...
In our pursuit of greater productivity and success, there's an essential element that we often overlook: Celebration! High Performers understand the value of celebrating small victories, significant m...
There is no secret to the fact that questions are integral in the quest for knowledge and understanding. However, the importance of questions goes beyond the superficial first or second inquiries; it'...
We've all been there: that moment when we complete a project or have made a big decision, whether successful or not, and sit down to reflect and pick apart the outcome. This is what’s called a post-mo...
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